Monday, 7 February 2011

New Project

Hello people. I'm really sorry to have been gone for so long again. I'm very involved in a project that lies close to my heart at the moment and time just doesn't stretch quite as far as it should...

My best friend here in Switzerland has landed an appearance in Switzerland's latest TV show, "The Greatest Talent in Switzerland" (actually it's in plural form, but that doesn't sound so good in English). I started a Facebook group to gather support for him and it's growing exponentially, so there's just been no time for writing down any stories for you all. I hope you will forgive me. As that classic moron once said (and this one often does...), "I'll be back!"

In the meantime, here's a link to Garry's first appearance:

This is a man with talent and a voice to die for. He just needs a little help from his friends (and some professional backing...)

Time permitting, I shall return with a decent run-down on Garry, just so you know what's keeping me so occupied.

For those of you on Facebook who might be interested in seeing what it's all about, simply click on the title of this post.

Until later.

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